The Institute for Inclusive Philanthropy

Welcome to the Institute for Inclusive Philanthropy. Where volunteer engagement and philanthropic inclusion matters!

Learn More


Benefit One

Learn how to create your own program.

Benefit Two

Develop culturally competent and agile engagement strategies.

Benefit Three

Obtained tailored solutions for your mission.

Inclusive philanthropy is authentically welcoming and engaging all individuals to participate in gifting - through all giving vehicles and all giving channels.


Bringing new audiences, communities  and populations to your volunteer and donor pathways.

Outcomes You Can Expect from Our Experts

How to begin integrating inclusive strategies into your operational plans.

Become a certified Inclusive Philanthropy organization.

Become certified in a train the trainers course.

"“The Inclusion Firm has been a great partner for us as we continue our journey of becoming a more inclusive advancement team. We were fortunate to work with five different members of the firm and they were all stellar! We walked out of each workshop with clear next steps on how to change our ways of working – together and with our stakeholders. And, during the workshops, we learned a lot about ourselves and each other. This work is not easy, but we are better today than before we became clients. And, we are looking forward to continuing our client relationship with The Institute!”"

Kelly S. Moody
Vice President, Institutional Advancement , Teachers College, Columbia University

Become Certified Now!


50% Complete

Two Step

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